Efficiency Hack: Ruthlessly Unsubscribe

Sep 15, 2024

Attention is one of your most precious commodities. Ruthlessly unsubscribe from emails to keep a clean inbox and a clean mind.

Pay Attention

Attention is a finite resource, and every day people and companies are competing for yours. Everyone from family to advertisers are all competing for your attention. But you only have so much attention to give in a day. You are limited by your time and your energy. Make sure you giving your time and energy to the people you choose. Defend your attention from the sources that leach it.


If you regularly check your email then every email is a potential distraction. It may seem simple enough to delete, archive, or ignore an email, but over time, all of those actions add up. Wouldn't it be simpler if the email just never came?

Thanks to the CAN SPAM Act of 2003, every unsolicited marketing message sent to you must have an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the message. This link must take you to no more than one page. This page can only require your email address and opt-out preference to unsubscribe you from further messages. Taking a few seconds to click one of these links, can save you minutes or hours of future attention. Compounded over the number of senders and you end up saving days and weeks of time.


Taking a few seconds to click a link can help preserve one of your most precious resources. Set your future self free and unsubscribe today!